From the beginning I was not happy with the dark overtones of my first painting which I called "Luminous" . I tried again to lighten it and was much happier with the results. The photos do not represent the paintings as well as I might like but with practice I hope to get better.
The painting called "Whitecaps From the West" looked better in my opinion but the way the background behind the tree looked bothered me. I did some improvements on that too by feathering in some of the new background colors and the result looks less phony to me.
The one with the face started out as a perfect circle and was to be a moon study, behind clouds, but the face materialized and I decided to call that one "Storm Watcher". I deliberately left the background without defining a horizon so the viewers can interpret it any way they want.
I discovered that faces in acrylic are no more difficult than in the more familiar mediums (to me), so I plan to do more, as faces are one of my original passions.
Many of the shots I upload here end up being works in progress, as I'm teaching myself as I go.