Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My vision becomes reality! Casting in resin and new beadwork technique.

When I discovered resin, one of my goals was to create original objects from polymer clay and make molds of these objects to cast in clear resin. For my first experiment I made a number of shapes, including a deer's head, snake ring, and butterflies, and took an existing figurine, a cute spaniel,( which used to come in packages of Red Rose tea) and made a mold of that too. The polyester resin has a tendency to remain tacky for a very long time, but anyway, my objects are gradually curing and I was able to take some shots.

I also have been learning new beading techniques. I have always loved native or aboriginal beadwork which we see on moccasins, mitts and other traditional items, and now I am learning some of the techniques. I included a shot of a combination of my own resin cabachon surrounded by beads in a butterfly. I glued white leather to the back and was quite happy with the result.