Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A Study in Perspective, Done in Acrylic

I haven't painted with oils or acrylic for a long time and have re-discovered acrylic. One of the things I love about acrylic is the fast drying time. I also love that the clean-up can be done with warm water and a little soap which is so much more convenient than the methods for cleaning up after oil painting. Both oils and acrylic offer the added dimension of texture, which is so fun to play with and can be very effective.
I haven't done much work in either medium, but I plan to get more into actual painting. I find that doing a scene is very meditative and I like to create scenes of places where I want to be.
The picture here is a sunset and I wanted to re-create the luminous effect of the setting sun reflected on the surrounding landscape and the main tree. I call this painting "Luminous". It measures 11x14 inches so I had to photograph it and the tree, being painted in shiny acrylic, shows up less black than it actually is. Otherwise the colors are pretty well duplicated in this photo so I decided to upload it anyway.
This my first painted scene and I really enjoyed it.

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