Friday, October 23, 2009

New Work in Pen and Ink Both Bizarre and Traditional

I've really been enjoying drawing with pen and ink. I love the way the detail can be achieved because of the fine point of the nib I've been using. I use India ink and an old fashioned stick pen with a very fine detachable nib.
In the rather bizarre pen and ink drawing here I continued on with my obsession with drawing eyes and delighted in the way the lines in each iris can be defined in pen. I also love the way bark can be textured and detailed in pen and ink to look truly three dimensional. I called this one "The Growth of Vision".
I rounded out the spheres with graphite which I shaded with a tortillion. The character of gnarly trees lends itself to this medium and I'm at present working on a new one with real (sort of ) branches. I love creating this kind of "far out" abstract and the potential to include eyes (my ultimate favorite feature to draw) in surrealistic art is infinite.
The drawing of the cat is supposed to represent a white cat. My cat Asha is the model for this one, but in the end it ended up a fusion of Asha and Bud her late brother who had more of the Persian evident in him, especially the smaller ears and wider muzzle. To me it looks more like a silver haired cat but I'm still reasonably happy with this first portrait in pen and ink. For a long time I've been studying the shapes that comprise the face in a cat and I hope to get it right one day.

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