I've been exploring ways to use pen and ink and I love the different effects which can be obtained. I also find that the stark black and white of India ink and pen makes a bold and powerful statement, no matter what the subject matter. For the rest of my life I will now be working in pen and ink as well as the other mediums I've worked with before, (of course).
The ability to capture the finest detail as well as such varied textures are qualities of pen and ink that I am continually amazed by. All of the pictures you see, unless otherwise stated, are directly out of my imagination which, to me is really the most fun to work from and throughout my life has been the main source of my images.
These pictures as well as many of the previous shots were taken with my Nikon Coolpix rather than scanned in. The 9x12 paper is a bit big for the scanner and the software that came with my all-in-one is a labor intensive kludge, which although does give a better quality end result, takes several minutes as opposed to the few seconds it takes to take and upload the camera shots. I would use the scanner for marketing purposes but for now I decided to take the shortcut.